Thursday 28 September 2023

Archbishop Thabo Makgoba's statement on the Church's resolution on Israel/Palestine

 Archbishop Thabo Makgoba issued the following statement on the decision by Provincial Standing Committee to declare Israel an apartheid state. The PSC resolutions on Israel/Palestine will be found on the church's website >>


As people of faith who are distressed by the pain of the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza – and who long for security and a just peace for both Palestine and Israel – we can no longer ignore the realities on the ground. We are opposed not to the Jewish people, but to the policies of Israelis' governments, which are becoming ever more extreme.

For Christians, the Holy Land is the place where Jesus was born, nurtured, crucified and raised. Our hearts ache for our Christian brothers and sisters in Palestine, whose numbers include Anglicans but are rapidly declining. People of all faiths in South Africa have both a deep understanding of what it is to live under oppression, as well as experience of how to confront and overcome unjust rule by peaceful means. When black South Africans who have lived under apartheid visit Israel, the parallels to apartheid are impossible to ignore. If we stand by and keep quiet, we will be complicit in the continuing oppression of the Palestinians.

If we are to celebrate peace for Palestinians and security for the Israelis in in our time, we need to pray and work for the land we call holy, for an end to the occupation of Gaza and the West Bank and for full recognition of the Palestinians' inalienable right to self-determination.

We yearn for peace and the wholeness of God to be made manifest in Palestine, in Israel and among their neighbouring countries. I pray the prayer we adopted at the last meeting of the Provincial Synod, the ruling body of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa:

Lord God,

Bless the people of the Middle East;

Protect their vulnerable children;

Transform their divided leaders;

Heal their wounded communities,

Restore their human dignity,

and give them everlasting peace. AMEN.

Friday 22 September 2023

At UN, Archbishop Makgoba urges G20 to boost spending on combatting HIV/Aids among children

Archbishop Thabo Makgoba has called on the G20 group of nations to boost their spending on combatting HIV and Aids among the world's children.

Speaking on the sidelines of United Nations meetings in New York, he said the coronavirus and war in Europe had taken attention away from the plight of children infected by HIV and Aids.

“Right now, the main focus in relations between the world's most powerful nations on the one hand, and the countries of Africa on the other, is on that which is negative: on military interventions, on the export of weapons and mercenaries to Africa, and on the economic exploitation of our raw materials,” he said.

“If the economic powers of the world wish to improve their image in Africa, they could do no better than boosting their aid in the health arena. Specifically, the United States should reauthorize PEPFAR, and their European and Asian counterparts in the G20 group should follow their example.”

PEPFAR is the US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, an initiative launched in 2003. Since then, the American government has spent $100 billion on its global HIV/AIDS response. The US Congress currently faces a vote on whether to continue the programme.

Excerpts from Archbishop Makgoba's address on Thursday follow:

“In an era when world attention has been distracted by Covid, and then by war in Europe, keeping a focus on ending the scourge of HIV/Aids is of critical importance. Especially tragic is the way in which the coronavirus pandemic and international tensions have taken attention away from the plight of children in this health crisis...

“Right now, the main focus in relations between the world's most powerful nations on the one hand, and the countries of Africa on the other, is on that which is negative: on military interventions, on the export of weapons and mercenaries to Africa, and on the economic exploitation of our raw materials.

“When President George W Bush introduced PEPFAR, with bipartisan support in Congress, he promoted the image of Americans as caring and compassionate people, people who saved millions of lives in Africa. No American programme has saved more lives of mothers and babies than PEPFAR. There is nothing more pro-life than PEPFAR.

“But that image of the United States now threatens to be replaced by one in which you present yourselves as primarily a military power, only interested in Africa as a battleground in your fight against international terrorism.

“But you and your partners in the G20 nations in Europe and Asia can turn this around. If the economic powers of the world wish to improve their image in Africa, they could do no better than boosting their aid in the health arena. Specifically, the United States should reauthorize PEPFAR, and their European and Asian counterparts in the G20 group should follow their example.”

The full text of the address can be found here:

(This is the text of a news release issued by the church.)

Read more here:

UNAIDS, the Governments of Botswana and the United States of America, together with the European Commission have joined global partners to urge world leaders to get on the path that ends AIDS. This, they say, will also accelerate progress to reach many other of the Sustainable Development Goals. [UNAIDS photo] 

Thursday 21 September 2023

“Prioritizing Children in the HIV Response”

 Prioritizing Children in the HIV Response”

Archbishop Thabo Makgoba

Communities of Faith Breakfast: Building Partnerships for a One-Community Response to HIV

Thursday, 21 September 2023, 7:45 am

My warm thanks to UNAIDS, PEPFAR and your faith community partners for the invitation to join you. In an era when world attention has been distracted by Covid, and then by war in Europe, keeping a focus on ending the scourge of HIV/Aids is of critical importance.

Especially tragic is the way in which the coronavirus pandemic and international tensions have taken attention away from the plight of children in this health crisis.

Wednesday 20 September 2023

Celebrating Global HIV Progress to End AIDS and Advance the SDGs

 “Celebrating Global HIV Progress to End AIDS and Advance the SDGs”

Archbishop Thabo Makgoba

UNGA high-level event

Wednesday September 20, 2023

Your Excellencies, dignitaries and friends in the fight against HIV and Aids, my respectful greetings and greatful thanks to all those Presidents, ministers and global leaders, who have accepted the invitation to be here. Your faith and your  commitment to end HIV by 2030 are good news. Your leadership is exactly the kind of commitment that God expects of each of us. Blessings.

Saturday 16 September 2023

Homily preached at the funeral of Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi OSC

 The Most Revd Dr Thabo Makgoba

Archbishop of Cape Town and Metropolitan of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa

Homily for the funeral of

Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi OSC

Diocese of Zululand

September 16, 2023

May I speak in the name of God, who is Creator, Redeemer and Sustainer. Amen.

Members of the Royal Family,

Members of the Buthelezi family,

Your Excellency, Mr President,

Your Excellencies, Presidents Obasanjo, Mbeki, Motlanthe and Zuma,

Madame Premier,

Ministers, MECs and Mayors,

KwaZulu/Natal and national Church leaders, including Bishop Vikinduku Mculwane of Zululand,

Members of the amaZulu nation,

Fellow South Africans,

Friday 15 September 2023

Sermon preached at a Memorial Service for Steve Biko


Anglican Church of Southern Africa

Diocese of Grahamstown

Bantu Stephen Biko Memorial Service

St Andrew’s, Ginsberg

The Most Revd Dr Thabo Makgoba

Archbishop and Metropolitan

Sunday, 10th September 2023

Readings: Philippians 3:7-11; Ps 126; Matthew 10: 16-22

Saturday 9 September 2023

Archbishop conveys condolences to the family of Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi OSC

On behalf of my family, the Synod of Bishops and the Anglican Church of Southern Africa, I offer our deepest condolences to the family of Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi, who died in the early hours of today at the age of 95. 

Apart from being a towering figure in the life of the Zulu nation and South Africa, Prince Buthelezi was a lay minister of our church who often represented his parish, the Diocese of Zululand and ACSA in church forums, and was a member of the Order of Simon of Cyrene. Funeral details will be announced later. May he rest in peace and rise in glory.

The Most Revd Dr Thabo Makgoba
Archbishop of Cape Town and
Metropolitan of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa

Sunday 3 September 2023

The heart-break of Johannesburg - A sermon to Anglican schools

Combined Confirmation Service for Anglican Schools in Cape Town

Herschel Girls School Music Centre, Cape Town

3rd September 2023

Readings: Exodus 3: 1-15; Romans 12: 9-21; Matthew 16: 21-28

May I speak in the name of God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

My dear sisters and brothers in Christ, dear people of God, heads of participating schools – our host today, Mrs Heather Goedeke of Herschel Girls, Mrs Shirley Frayne of St Cyprian’s School and Mr Antony Reeler of Diocesan College – also friends and families, educators here present,  I am pleased to join you once again as we share in this important milestone in the lives of the confirmation candidates who will be presented later in this service.