Thursday 29 May 2014

To the Laos – An Invitation to Hear the Archbishop of Canterbury - May 2014

To the Laos – To the People of God, May 2014
Dear People of God
In just over a month’s time, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Revd. Justin Welby, will be visiting Johannesburg as one of the stops in a series of visits to Primates across the Anglican Communion.
His initial purpose was to visit Lungi and me as part of a “getting to know you” trip to a number of African archbishops. However, wanting to share our time with Archbishop Justin with our bishops, their spouses and at least some clergy and lay people from around the Province, we asked him also to give the keynote address to the Anglicans Ablaze Conference and to join a dinner with the bishops, and he generously agreed.
Anglicans Ablaze will take place from July 2 to 5, and I warmly encourage you to join the conference. In particular:
• All our clergy are invited to join me and all our bishops;
• You are urged to bring a team along – including young people;
• Parishes, please help with fund-raising; and
• Please announce this invitation from the pulpit.
To help the organizers with their planning, I urge you to book early. For details, go to: or call 021 763 1315 / 021 797 9997. If you are from Gauteng, and you simply cannot make it to the whole conference but want to hear Archbishop Welby, please call the organisers to register for a shorter visit. If you are from outside Gauteng, never fear: we will be inviting the Archbishop for a formal visit to the whole Province just as soon as he can accommodate us in his schedule. 
Talking of archiepiscopal visits, by the time you read this I will be on my way to the Diocese of Zululand for a visit during which, among other things, I will be blessing the diocese’s new Mothers’ Union Hall and Skills Centre – a great achievement. We congratulate the MU, Bishop Dino, his Chapter and the whole diocesan family on this milestone.
Then, later in June, I am asking for your prayers as I visit northern Mozambique, where we will consecrate the Ven. Manuel Ernesto as the new Bishop Suffragan of Niassa on Saturday June 14 and commission him at a celebration on Sunday June 15. We congratulate the Diocese at being able to elect their new bishop.
Back in South Africa, please continue to pray for the Diocese of Mthatha and the candidates who offered themselves for election as suffragan bishop in the recent election. Sadly the Diocese was unable to elect and after seven ballots they have used their right to refer the matter to the Synod of Bishops.
Still in South Africa and on an ecumenical note, I ask every parishioner to soak theMarikana area in North-West Province in prayer. A human disaster is unfolding there as a consequence of the crippling strike, and the hardship will continue even after the strike is settled. Together with ecumenical and academic leaders in Gauteng, I have joined an appeal for food donations for the Marikana community. If you are outside Gauteng, you can make donations to the Provincial Disaster Relief Fund. Details of how to donate appear below.
Finally, do join me, the Province and the Diocese of Niassa in praying – as we will pray at the consecration of Bishop Suffragan-Elect Manuel Ernesto – that “by the indwelling of [God’s] spirit he may grow in holiness and serve [God’s] people in wisdom, truth and love.”
God bless you,
+Thabo Cape Town

Marikana appeal:
Food parcels can be donated at:
1. Gift of the Givers (call toll-free 0800 786911 for details)
2. SkyNet courier branches anywhere in South Africa
3. All campuses of the Universities of Johannesburg and the Witwatersrand
4. Khotso House, 62 Marshall Street, Johannesburg
5. St George’s Cathedral and Anglican Church Warehouse, 12 Plantation Road, Wetton, Cape Town
6. Alternative Information and Development Centre, 129 Rochester Road, Observatory, Cape Town
7. St Alban’s Cathedral, Frances Baard Road, Pretoria
Further drop-off points will be announced on the Gift of the Givers website:
Monetary donations can be deposited in this account, using "Marikana" as the deposit reference number:
ACSA Disaster Relief Fund
Standard Bank of SA Ltd
Thibault Square
Branch code: 02 0909 00
Account number: 07 007 8394