Thursday 13 February 2020

Message to a Kathrada Foundation rally, St George's Cathedral, Cape Town

Archbishop Thabo contributed a video message for social media, and a longer written message, in support of a rally held on the eve on President Cyril Ramaphosa's State of the Nation Address on Thursday February 13.

"As you gather here today to reflect on our beautiful country ahead of the State of the Nation Address, I want to reiterate my call - first made from this Cathedral at Christmas - that for South Africa, this must be the "The Year of the Orange Jumpsuit" for those implicated in state capture.

"Tomorrow the President must draw a line in the sand and make it clear that there will be consequences for those in politics, for those in government, for those in the private sector and for anyone else in South Africa who has corrupted the country and stolen from the poor.

"Ensuring that the corrupt go to jail is not being vindictive - their greed has driven the country to the brink of disaster, and they must pay the price if the law is to be the basis of the healthy and sustainable development of our nation.

"I also want to urge all of us to give the National Prosecuting Authority the space to do their jobs properly and to prepare watertight cases. As I said at Christmas, rushed and therefore botched prosecutions, followed by widespread acquittals would be a disaster, sending the wrong signals to the corrupt and plunging the country into despair.

"From today, may we move from words into action. I stand in solidarity with you all."

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