Monday 12 April 2010

Statement following the funeral of Mr Eugene Terre’Blanche


‘We are here to weep with those who weep’ said Archbishop Thabo Makgoba, as he left the funeral of Mr Eugene Terre’Blanche in Venterdorp this afternoon.

The Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town was accompanied by senior clergy from the Diocese of Matlosane, in which Ventersdorp lies (the Venerable David Dinkebogile, the Venerable Methla Beleme, and the Venerable Lesley Mokwena, representing the Bishop of Matlosane, the Right Reverend Molopi Diseko). ‘We are here as a ministry of presence, to mourn with the family’ he said, adding ‘In Easter week, we want to affirm the message of resurrection in the face of death and all that is destructive of human living. It is a message of hope that bridges all human differences, including racial divides, and we are therefore here to affirm that South Africa belongs to all who live in it.’

Speaking as heavy rain fell in Ventersdorp, Dr Makgoba said that he and his colleagues would not be going on to the graveyard, adding ‘We shall nonetheless continue to hold the family in our prayers, as well as praying for peace and national reconciliation in our country.’

Note - this statement was originally issued on 9 April, but because of technical problems could only be posted here today.

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