Friday 31 March 2017

Archbishop's statement on South African Cabinet reshuffle

President Zuma's dismissal of the stellar team at the finance ministry constitutes an assault on the poor of South Africa.

Who stands to lose when we can't raise foreign investment to finance growth in our country? The poor. Who stands to lose when interest rates on the money we already owe gobbles up our nation's resources? The poor.

Who stands to gain when corrupt elites enrich themselves on the side while doing deals worth billions of rands with state-owned enterprises? The people of suburbs like Saxonwold.

Ignorance can be educated but there is no cure for recklessness. The President's decisions are a frightening example of a leader who has continually showed his profound indifference to the economic health of South Africa. It is telling that he failed to secure agreement to this reckless move even from within his own party and the ruling alliance.

When this last happened, Minister Gordhan and his team swung into gallant action mobilising society in a campaign to regain the battered confidence of investors. All of this good work is now in danger of being reversed at one fell swoop.

I hope the ruling party will reflect on how they are betraying the hopes of our people and take appropriate action. Civil society too will have to consider for how long we stand by helplessly and watch the gains of our democracy destroyed.

The Most Revd Thabo Makgoba
Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town


  1. Archbishop please continue to pray for Gods intervention on behalf of our plight when we seem oblivious of the poor while plundering with our comrades in crime under the guise of service delivery.SGN

    1. Sally Gaze. Administrator Trinity Anglican Church Pretoria1 April 2017 at 20:44

      Thank you Archbishop Thabo. Your comments are very profound.


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