Friday 25 July 2008

Delving Deeply Into the Gospels: Sexuality and the NT

The rhythm of the Lambeth Conference continues and the Indabas continue to allow bishops to talk. Today we dealt with ecumenism, and for the plenary session had an input on the ecological crisis and what role can we play as the church.

For the self-select groups I had four options: (1) Christianity in China, (2) Christians where the majority are Buddhist, (3) the proposed Anglican Covenant or (4) sexuality and the New Testament. On my way to the venue I met a French-speaking from a Province which was not allowing its bishops to attend. But he was there anyway. We started talking about his country and he told me that he was attending option 4, so I joined him.

The presentation was interesting and delved deeply into the gospels, looking into both what Jesus said and his deeds, and also into what Paul said and did, concerning the issues of their day. Richard Burridge’s book and Phil Groves' book on enabling listening are good resources.

We had one unhappy respondent on the process. It was encouraging that he voiced his concern, a sign that people are able to disagree and hold together.

Mrs Williams gave a reflection at the evening worship, which was led by the spouses today. She reminded the conference that, (1) spouses want to support bishops in the challenges they are facing in the Communion, (2) bishops are leaders in and not owners of the church and, therefore need to remember (3) that this God’s church and that all should make the gift of Communion work.

God bless


Additional web resources on Phil Groves' book

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